What Are These Treatment Programs Like?

Question by RadicalRabbit: What are these treatment programs like?
My parents are threatening to send me to a drug abuse treatment center or a behavioral treatment center. I am a 14 year old boy. Can someone explain to me what this menas. How long will I be in it, What will I do there, blah blah blah etc?

Best answer:

Answer by ???? ??? ??? ????
It depends what you did.

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The 10 Toughest Questions Families and Friends Ask About Addiction and Recovery (Sneak Peek) – The Essential Video Guide to Addiction Recovery for Friends and Family. www.whydonttheyjustquit.com A valuable tool . . . when you don’t have time to wade through volumes of material. Joe Herzanek offers simple, straightforward, no-nonsense answers to the most often-asked questions. A wealth of information. Being able to gain this much information in one short sitting will put your mind at ease and give you the confidence to move forward—knowing that recovery is within reach. 1. How can I tell . . . if a person is addicted or just a heavy user? 2. How do I confront this person? 3. How to handle adolescent use and abuse? 4. How do I show my love without enabling? 5. Does treatment work? 6. We cant afford treatment. What now? 7. How do I handle relapse? Will this ever stop? 8. What if they just cant quit? 9. Ive tried it all. Nothing is working. What now? 10. How do I get MY life back?


New hope for addicts

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"They begin with recreational use and don't think they will become addicted, but (they) soon get to the point where they almost must take the drug to survive, because withdrawal is so intense." Making withdrawal more endurable – and therefore …
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Double Take: Teen stimulant use shockingly common

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He's claiming that this is not like drug abuse because he's doing it to help, not hurt himself, and everyone else is using stimulants so without them he's at a disadvantage. This is breathtaking for me. What are your thoughts and … The research …
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Keeping blood pressure in check

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“For most people, no new drugs need to be developed,” Dr. Mann said. “What we need, in terms of medication, is already out there. We just need to use it better.” But many doctors who are generalists do not understand the “intricacies and nuances” of …
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