How Would You Test to See if Your Neighbors Are Drug Dealers?

Question by Erin H: How would you test to see if your neighbors are drug dealers?
Based on my neighbor’s behavior I’m 90% certain that they sell drugs. Here’s why I say that:
1. It’s a married couple in their late 20’s with a 6yr old son.
2. They are missing a couple teeth but live in a fairly expensive neighborhood.
3. The mom doesn’t work and the dad doesn’t have a regular work schedule.
4. There are at least 4 different cars, some of which I’ve never seen before, parked in front of their house/in their driveway.
5. Recently, the cars have gotten nicer and nicer- today there was a BMW, H3, and a Lexus (all newer) in front of their house at the same time.
6. Over the past three months I’ve seen AT LEAST 30 cars I don’t recognize parked in their drive way.
7. The majority of the people who get out of these cars are always on their cellphone.
Maybe I’m just paranoid but I really want to know if they sell drugs. Any ideas other than trying to buy from them? I don’t want to do anything dumb to get myself hurt in any way OR create conflict. HELP!

Best answer:

Answer by Wolfgang
Big Brother loves people who rat on their neighbors.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Parents Whose Child Died by Inhalant Abuse Educational Video – Parents Whose Child Died by Inhalant Abuse Educational Video. Inhalant use by 12 and 13 year olds is a marker for future drug use and delinquent behavior, according to a new report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), released today at a press conference by the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition to kick off National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week. Speaker: Jeanette and James Smith, parents of a student who died from inhalant use in Ohio. Inhalants affect your brain. Inhalants are substances or fumes from products such as glue or paint thinner that are sniffed or “huffed” to cause an immediate high. Because they affect your brain with much greater speed and force than many other substances, they can cause irreversible physical and mental damage before you know what’s happened. Inhalants affect your heart. Inhalants starve the body of oxygen and force the heart to beat irregularly and more rapidly–that can be dangerous for your body. Inhalants damage other parts of your body. People who use inhalants can experience nausea and nosebleeds; develop liver, lung, and kidney problems; and lose their sense of hearing or smell. Chronic use can lead to muscle wasting and reduced muscle tone and strength. Inhalants can cause sudden death. Inhalants can kill you instantly. Inhalant users can die by suffocation, choking on their vomit, or having a heart attack. How can you tell if a friend is using inhalants? Sometimes it’s tough to tell


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