Anti-Drug Vaccine Animation

Anti-Drug Vaccine Animation
Scientists see great promise in the idea of combining vaccines with other interventions to improve patient outcomes in addiction therapy. This video can also…



New Treatment Techniques at Substance Abuse Houston Earn High Praise
But one rehabilitation center is earning national respect in the field. Substance Abuse Houston was recently recognized by the Governor's Office for its exemplary work in treating addictions. Governor Rick Perry recently praised Substance Abuse Houston … Read more on PR Web (press release)

Codeine addiction a growing problem as Aussies abuse over-the-counter pain
He stagnated at work. His facade came crumbling down when he was admitted to hospital in agony, bleeding internally. He'd burned a hole in his stomach lining. It's the middle-class addiction to which no-one wants to admit, contributing to sales of 16 … Read more on Herald Sun

The end of Filner: Of courage, convictions and careers
The irony of Bob Filner is that even if all of the charges against him are true, he can claim the courage of his convictions, while many among the recall-or-resign crowd have abandoned theirs. Filner's alleged behavior indicates a sickness — an addiction. Read more on U-T San Diego