12 of 17 – Definition of addiction.MP4

12 of 17 – Definition of addiction.MP4
Harvey B. Milkman, Department of Psychology, Metropolitan State College of Denver, US, Author, ‘Craving for Ecstasy and Natural Highs: A Positive Approach to…



Health Care Reform Update – October 14, 2013
On October 7, the House passed a partial continuing resolution which would fund the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at the FY 2013 post-sequester funding level through FY 2014. The bill will not pass the Senate. On October 7, the Senate Homeland … Read more on The National Law Review

Armenia: Fight against Gender-Equality Morphs into Fight Against EU
The fear-mongering efforts hinge on the law's definition of “gender” in Article 3 as “acquired, socially fixed behavior of different sexes.” To many Armenians, the word “acquired” is seen as code for homosexuality. Although the backlash against the law … Read more on EurasiaNet

Kerman & Co LLP | Council Workers Win Landmark Equal Pay Case
The policy should include a definition of drug misuse, have clearly stated aims, name the persons responsible for carrying out the policy and give clear guidelines as to what employees must do to comply with the rules. If an employee suffers from drug … Read more on Linex Legal (press release) (registration)