How Do I Write an Introduction for an Essay?

Question by Shanelle: How do I write an introduction for an essay?
PLEASE HELP!! I have an outline due tomorrow and I’m writing an essay about teen drug abuse, and how it is at an all time high. And the type of essay I’m writing is a problem-solution essay. Here’s my thesis statement:
“Drug abuse is at an all time high, but educating teens about drugs would help lower drug abuse rates.”
I’m really stuck so someone help me with form an introduction!

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel
Drug abuse by teens is at an all time high. Is a good first sentence. Just work off of that. Don’t say any solutions in the intro. Save that for the body of the essay. And in the conclusion you basically want to restate the intro but in different words.

Answer by annie42
It is a good start. Now, back to the outline idea…what three points are you going to make? Three ways to reach teens? Three drugs that you will address? Three periods in history that we conquered or failed to conquer drug abuse?

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