Real Drug Addiction Story

Real Drug Addiction Story
David Pendley a recovering addict shares his story of life before and after drug addiction.



The Children of Drugs: Covering Up and Surviving
A handful of people agreed to step out of the shadows and tell their stories, publicly. CEDAR RAPIDS … Yet, for the children who are in a home with illegal drug abuse, drug dealing and addiction, what steps can they take to survive and thrive? Who … Read more on KCRG

7 signs your child is an iPad addict
Photo: flickingerbrad/Flickr. Withdrawal symptoms and cravings may seem like the province of hard-drug addiction, but increasingly, psychologists are noticing these same signs of addiction in people who use devices ranging from smartphones to tablets. Read more on Mother Nature Network

'Drugs Destroy the Real You'
Thingahangwi Mamedzi is a 23-year-old man who was a drug addict and has now given up on drugs and alcohol. He told OurHealth his story: "I arranged this gathering so that I can tell you my side of the story as an addict, and give a piece of advice to … Read more on