OLCC: Would Selling Liquor in Grocery Stores Work?

OLCC: Would selling liquor in grocery stores work?
IF one ever is – those funds should be directed to fully funding any need for drug and alcohol treatment and not in the form of the DUII / Diversion crap currently used, real treatment. The State of Oregon should fully fund treatment needed as a result … Read more on KATU

Heroin: deadliest drug in Oregon
But the city of Portland has only one medicated detox center for the uninsured and despite drug users getting younger, that center only admits patients over the age of 18. Gary Cobb was 15 … He's now helping others fight a demon he knows well. "I … Read more on KOIN.com

Medical marijuana isn't subject to tax
Under the group's proposal, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission would regulate the production and sale of marijuana, which would be taxed for the benefit of schools, police and addiction services. Adults, meanwhile, would be free to grow their own pot … Read more on Mail Tribune