The End of Antibiotics?

The End of Antibiotics?
A recent Frontline documentary quoted associate director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Arjun Srinivasan saying that we've reached “the end of antibiotics, period.” It made for an … But antibiotics are a one-and-done treatment, and … Read more on Singularity Hub

Ending veteran homelessness requires investment in housing and services
I have seen their joy and relief when they regain the dignity that comes with finding a safe place to live and a way out of their downward spiral. And I have … This center will serve as a one-stop shop for all services, including health, mental … Read more on Los Angeles Daily News

Jaguars, Buccaneers Halfway To NFL History As Only Winless Teams
Schiano botched quarterback Josh Freeman's benching, getting accused of rigging the captains vote and then of releasing confidential information about Freeman being in the league's substance-abuse program. Eventually, players …. Oakland Athletics … Read more on Huffington Post