Alcohol Rehab Orange County | Outpatient Rehab Orange County | Alcohol Rehab Orange County

Alcohol Rehab Orange County | Outpatient Rehab Orange County | Alcohol Rehab Orange County Alcohol Rehab Orange County help you get you life back. Orange County Rehab Center help people in getting detox in Orang…



Avoiding the 'plague' means random drug tests, expert says
By LAUREN STEUSSY / ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER. It's not really the plague, but Ken Seeley, the expert behind a television show that facilitates interventions, says drug addiction among teens should be thought of that way, since so many young people die of … Read more on OCRegister (subscription)

Trafficking | Congressional committee discusses new bill designed to combat
She was prostituted, raped, and abused repeatedly for two years. Her only interaction … Because of Prop 35, traffickers will now fear and loathe the government, said Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas. His prosecution … According to … Read more on World Magazine

Lake County firefighters want to check out of hotel
Lake County Sheriff Gary Borders recently offered to allow the fire department to build a modular building on the property of the sheriff's South Lake Substation on State Road 50, about a quarter of a mile from the hotel. The funds to … “As far as … Read more on South Lake Press