Morning Brief — November 14, 2013

Morning Brief — November 14, 2013
The scandal surrounding the mayor also took on new life later Wednesday with the release of court documents that suggested people close to the mayor were concerned about his use of drugs, drunk driving and even the presence of suspected “prostitutes … Read more on (subscription)

Blacks arrested nearly twice as much as whites for pot in Harford
Although blacks and whites use marijuana at comparable rates, blacks are arrested at higher rates in every county in Maryland, according to the study. "The war on drugs has failed," said Sara Love, public policy director for the ACLU of Maryland … Read more on Baltimore Sun

Drug use among local teens remains hidden because it is rarely addressed
Young people aged under 21 years form the biggest proportion of new drug users (one third of users or about 1,000 teens) according to the 2012 Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA) survey , which compiles statistics reported by local hospitals, clinics … Read more on South China Morning Post