Firefighters Get New Ammo in Drug Battle: Antidote for Heroin Overdose – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Firefighters get new ammo in drug battle: Antidote for heroin overdose – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Firefighters get new ammo in drug battle: Antidote for heroin overdose
Minneapolis Star Tribune
“We've been pounding on the door,” Cleveland said. The pilot, set to start Jan. 1, will train and test basic EMTs, then track how often they use naloxone. If the program shows the drug is needed, the Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services Unit could

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Drug Abuse Cleveland – Google News

Dangerous drugs still blight the North East … but seizures below UK average – ChronicleLive


Dangerous drugs still blight the North East … but seizures below UK average
A spokesperson for Cleveland Police said: “In the last financial year a number of high-profile operations have taken place to remove drugs from the streets of Cleveland and dismantle complicated drug networks. This not only encompasses street level

Drug Abuse Cleveland – Google News