Addiction: From Genes to Drugs

Addiction: From genes to drugs
Cocaine, heroin and crack may be the first drugs that come to mind when you think of addiction—images of addicts from shows such as "Breaking Bad"and movies such as "Requiem for a Dream" or "Trainspotting" —but less narcotic substances also cause … Read more on Medical Xpress

Zac Efron breaks his jaw; promotion of 'That Awkward Moment' delayed
Meanwhile, Hollywood Life claims that Efron was in rehab for an addiction to cocaine and Molly (a powder form of Ecstasy), and he missed several days of work on his movie "Neighbors" because of his addiction problems. … Meanwhile, Vanessa Hudgens … Read more on

Brittany Murphy: Murdered by Rat Poisoning so Why Was It Left Uncovered?
So why is it that Brittany Murphy's murder managed to slip past law enforcement and forensic testing, even after her mother repeatedly insisted since 2011 that her daughter was not addicted to drugs, was not victim to anorexia and that her actual death … Read more on Guardian Express

E X T A S E [ 2010] – PART 1
E X T A S E [ 2010, A Last Minute Movies Production ]… A short film on drug addiction… Direction, Editing & DOP- Neeraj Ninan… Concept- Arya Suresh & N…