What Is the Best Way to Cut Down on Alcohol?

Question by Matt JB: what is the best way to cut down on alcohol?
I think i may be developing a alcohol addiction, but im hoping that i don’t already have one. I drink 4-5 times a week, and i drink enough to get mildly drunk.

Best answer:

Answer by john w
yeah best way to do it is learn to live without alcohol,could take years or forever but if you wish to cut down,set boundaries for yourself for eg 2 drinks max if you got out etc.
its all about self control and rules i guess…

but what do i know i get wasted everyday haha good luck man or women,im not in the mood to quit anytime soon

Answer by Victor
Find some other social activities. Go places where you know that alcohol is not available. Don’t carry enough money so it will make difficult to buy it. But most of all avoid people, places and situations that lead you to it. Assist to an AA meeting voluntarily. You will be surpriced.

Help With Alcohol Addiction
For Help With Alcohol Addiction Call 991 794 09. You need to help your loved ones or yourself to stop immediately, because of the following dangers on the he…