How Long Is the Prop36 Program in California?

Question by lazy: How long is the Prop36 program in California?
If you get charged with a misdemeanor drug possession and you get Prop36 how long with you be doing the program?

Best answer:

Prop 36 does not have a set time they evaluate the offender and then establish a treatment plan.~~
It means that Prop. 36 remains the state’s largest treatment-not-jail program, and that protecting its … 36. Check out this great poster that sums up just some of what Prop 36 … – Cached

By July 2006, when initial funding for the program ran out, over 150,000 people benefited from Prop 36 treatment and California taxpayers saved about $ 1.3 billion. … – Cached

California Proposition 36 (2000) – Wikipedia, the free …
Results|Qualified Defendants|Reform|CriticismCalifornia Proposition 36, the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000, also known as Prop 36, was an initiative statute that permanently changed state law to allow qualifying defendants convicted of non-violent drug… – Cached

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