Where Do I Start to Get Narcotics Addiction Treatment?

Question by Denver: Where do I start to get narcotics addiction treatment?
I have been taking pills for a year now, most recently it has gotten out of hand. Lying about pain, making fake reasons to go to the ER. I want to stop. NOW. Where do I start?

Best answer:

Answer by Kati
Look on this website http://www.recoveryaddictiontreatment.com/ If you put your state in with your information we may be able to give you names of other treatment centers.

Answer by Crystal
Congratulations You have already started your treatment by admitting that you have a problem and asking for help. Your next step would be to talk to your doctor so he/she can help you stop and help you get through withdrawal. He/she can help you find a counciller and a group(like AA) you and your family can talk to.

Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior and remember
No single treatment is appropriate for everyone. But there is a treatment that will work for you!

Call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service at 1–800–662–HELP (4357) for information on hotlines, counseling services, or treatment options in your State.

It will be hard and you will go through withdrawal but if you are determined and stay determined and you have the right support system then I Believe you can do it!

Here are some sites with great information about finding help and some steps to help you through this.

Also feel free to e-mail me if you want to talk to someone, whether it be for support, or venting anger, or just to talk. I Will respond to you and listen when you need someone to talk to about anything and encourage you. And Like I said Congratulations for taking the first step.

Good Luck I Know you can do this.