I Have to Find Alcohol Rehabs in Hazlet, New Jersey. How Do I Do This?

Question by anneliese lf: I have to find alcohol rehabs in Hazlet, New Jersey. How do I do this?
I don’t know how I’m going to look for alcohol rehabs here. I don’t usually go out of the house, so I’m really not familiar with this place yet. However, I really need to get my sister treated for her alcohol addiction. I hate to see her suffering because of this. Our parents are in another country so it’s just her and me for now. I’m planning on seeking the help of relatives, but I want to find an alcohol rehab for her myself. How will I do this?

Best answer:

Answer by adilene d
Wow, it must be really tough for you, especially since your mom and dad aren’t there to help you with this. The links below will be able to help you in your search for alcohol rehabs. Another thing you can do is to ask for suggestions and recommendations from doctors or healthcare providers. They will be able to tell you what to do.

Just hold on and keep on being there for your sister. Just your presence will be able to make a huge difference. So don’t lose hope, it’ll go better soon.