Online Therapy

Online Therapy Therapy Online for, Panic attacks, Anxiety, Depression, Nervous Breakdown, Mental Breakdown, Therapist, OCD Therapy, Self help, GAD…



Talk of the town
To be sure, much harm has also been done by the “war on drugs.” Incarceration and criminal records damage users' lives and do nothing to help people recover from addiction. It is quite possible to change our laws in a way that removes such harm without … Read more on ABQ Journal

Local jailed 18 months for drug abuse
LAHAD DATU: The Magistrate's Court here yesterday sentenced a local man to eighteen months' imprisonment for consuming methamphetamine and ordered for the sentence to begin from the date of his arrest. Sessions Court Judge, M. Rajalingam, sitting … Read more on The Borneo Post

Chicago: A National Hub for Human Trafficking
“It was a dating relationship to begin with, until we became drug addicts,” Garcia said. “Once he … Johns also use online forums to share their 'adventures. … She trains women in the program in job readiness and self-sufficiency, and helps them … Read more on Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

Government going overboard on e-cigarettes
By an overwhelming 45-4 vote last week, Chicago's City Council followed New York, Los Angeles and other cities that have passed or are considering limits on e-cigarettes that banish their use in restaurants, bars and most other indoor public places … Read more on Stockton Record