Mindful Meditation Is Being Used to Help With a Range of Problems

Mindful meditation is being used to help with a range of problems
Mindfulness meditation has gone viral. With its adoption by the medical establishment, it is now considered one of the most effective treatments for a whole range of conditions from depression, anxiety and addiction to eating disorders and chronic pain … Read more on Oxford Mail

World Cup prep or welfare help? São Paulo razes centrally located shantytown.
“They are really here because of poverty, not crack addiction,” says Flavio Falcone, a doctor working in the shantytown today (and dressed up like a clown – a tactic he says helps him build relationships here, á la Patch Adams). “They were born in the … Read more on Christian Science Monitor

Philip Seymour Hoffman Addresses Drug Use In 2006 Video
According to TMZ, Hoffman spent 10 days in rehab during May of 2013, but his troublesome issues with addiction date back much further. In the video below, posted in February of 2006, Hoffman talks about getting help and going sober when he was 22. Read more on Huffington Post

Transfer Addiction from Binge eating to Shopping
They say the first step to solving any problem is admitting you have a problem. Right now I am seeing that I have transfered my binge eating onto binge shopp…