Faith Leaders Wrestle Over Growing Support for Marijuana

Faith leaders wrestle over growing support for marijuana
Both Colorado and Washington state approved the recreational use of marijuana by adults in the 2012 elections. Even Texas Gov. … Nine states and the District of Columbia have introduced legislation to legalize recreational marijuana use by adults … Read more on Washington Post

Dr. James Allison of MD Anderson Cancer Center Awarded 2014 Szent-Györgyi
Dr. Allison's pioneering cancer research in the area of immunotherapy led to the successful development of “immune checkpoint therapy,” and the first FDA-approved drug for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. In bestowing the award, NFCR's selection … Read more on Fort Mills Times

DANGEROUS BLACK ICE – Was rogue Tampa black ICE operation running
On the evidence of recent court filings in Miami in a related case (profiled in an upcoming story), the U.S. Asst Attorney in Miami who is charged with handling all major drug trafficking cases in South Florida appears to concur. …. were killed … Read more on MadCow Morning News

Christie: War on Drugs a ‘failure’…
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called the war on drugs a “failure” during a speech at the Washington, D.C.-based Brookings Institution on Monday, and tied hi…