How Do People Get a Hold of Drugs in Rehab?

Question by Warfield: How do people get a hold of drugs in rehab?
I’ve heard so many stories of people relapsing while in rehab. Are they allowed to leave the facilities unsupervised? Also, do they frisk you when you enter? And why would you even bring drugs to rehab if you’ve already made the decision to get clean?
@Your Favorite Stoner: I asked a serious question and you didn’t even read it. Just wanted to rant for some reason, didn’t you. Way to give stoners a bad name…

Best answer:

Answer by Your Favorite Stoner (suspended)
Drugs are everywhere. No matter where you go, there’s always going to be some type of drug close by.

Look lady, drug addiction isn’t an easy thing to kick. You can’t just wake up one day and be like “hmm I think it’s time to stop”
It eats at you and it’s all you think about. I’m sick of people with no knowledge (besides what they read in a stupid health book) about drugs, going around and calling people that have addictions “weak” and “pathetic”.
*Which I’m NOT saying you are*

I’m around it everyday, I know people that struggle with addictions, and see it first hand. If they were in rehab by force (9 times out of 10 they are) ,hell yeah they would do everything in they’re power to obtain their drug of choice.
It’s easier than you think.

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Drug Rehabs in Burbank IL – Call 800-281-9728 For HELP Are you dealing with drug addiction? Do you really want to put an end to it? Why not? We can always ex…



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