Internet Addiction ?

Question by Allen Q: Internet Addiction ?
Ever since grade 8, I’ve been on the computer a lot. I use it everyday and my sleep pattern has been so bad since then i have not had more than a couple days of proper sleep. You normally need 9-12 hours of sleep a night at my age but I only get 5-6 everyday. I need help. What should i do to get help?

Best answer:

Answer by Kyle S
stay away from the computer for a few days, just turn it off and let it collect dust for a few days you will be fine without it, no you don’t even need to check e-mail or your myspace/facebook or whatever else you have.

Answer by Pearl
Recognize the problem: do you check email incessantly when it is not entirely necessary? Do you go back to the same websites again and again? How many hours a day do you spend surfing the web?
Recognize the reasons. The Internet is always available and cheaper than , and legal unlike drug addiction. It offers escape just like drugs and alcohol. Once you realize these reasons, you can pinpoint Internet addiction as a real problem and not something to be scoffed at as not being a “real” addiction.
Cut down on Internet use. This is, of course, easier said than done. You can’t stop checking email any more than you can stop checking the mail box. You can, however, stop checking it with the same frequency. Set the maximum amount you use the computer a day. This applies to chat rooms, games, online gambling, social networking sites (Myspace), and other sites that take up your time.
Take walks, go out to eat, leave your office or home—i.e. get away from the computer. Breaking away for a few hours can help clear the head. If you have wifi, don’t take the computer with you.
Start a new hobby, read a book, play games with a friend, play sports—try to find offline activities that fill up your time.

• Set aside in advance one or two afternoons a week to do something away from home: a walk somewhere, meeting with a friend, shopping, or anything else that you once enjoyed doing.

• Force yourself to meet with friends at least once a week .

• If you have a friend you talk to a lot on Messenger, ICQ or Odigo, take a chance and arrange a face-to-face meeting. You might discover that everything you enjoy talking about on one of these instant messaging programs, you will enjoy even more when you meet in person.

• Find a good book, decide in advance how many pages you will read a day (even if it is only two or three) and stick to it.

# Practise the opposite:
If you have an Internet habit, which means you check your emails first thing in the morning, it may be time to alter your routine so that you have breakfast before logging on. Making changes in this way will break the established pattern, which so often is part of an addiction. This will not solve the problem, but will at least be a step forward in helping to break the routine.

# Finalise goals:
Set yourself goals to avoid Internet usage. Set a programme so your sessions are structured and you have limited time on and a time that you must disconnect. Have someone help you monitor this.

# Look at life:
Sit down with people you trust and try and get a vision of what you are missing out on in life because you are spending so much time on the Internet. Write all these things down so you can refer to them again and again. Tell yourself that life is about living and that time is passing you by. Have on your list your friends and your family and think about the times you spent with them before and the joy and happiness you had.

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