Drug Treatment Must Be Funding Priority for Kasich: Editorial

Drug treatment must be funding priority for Kasich: editorial
“The taking of it is easy, the leaving of it hard.” Who better to describe the insidious seduction of heroin than Keith Richards, rock icon voted most likely to die of an overdose? “Why do you do that to yourself?” Richards writes in “Life … drug rehab – Bing News

International Narconon Drug Rehab Network Celebrates 48 Years of Saving Lives
As the international Narconon network reached nearly five decades of service, the rehab and prevention centers on six continents prepared to celebrate their anniversary. It was on February 19, 1966 that Arizona State Prison inmate William Benitez made the … drug rehab – Bing News

Drug treatment van to remain on Ambaum Blvd. SW at SW 134th
That van than many noticed and wondered what it was doing parked on Ambaum Blvd. SW near SW 134th weekday mornings is a place where people with opioid drug dependence must visit six days a week, and it is likely to be there for the foreseeable … drug rehab – Bing News