What Are the Treatments Available for Nicotine Addiction?

Question by ref_praveen: What are the treatments available for nicotine addiction?
Does the treatment really work? I know smoking is a lethal addiction and it is almost impossible to really quit it. So, I want to know various treatments to get rid of this addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by adam
The patches work well. I used them. But they didn’t help me mentally because I really enjoyed smoking. The taste, the feel of the smoke going into my lungs…I didn’t have any of that with the patch. You won’t have the physical withdrawals anyhow. Good luck. It’s tough. I still crave cigarettes every single day and it has been more than 10 years since I quit. If it weren’t for God, I’d be smoking right now.

Answer by Fraggle Rock & Roll
A friend told me he quit by working out and having the will to quit.