Christians ??

Question by Mz.BAsHfuLz: Christians ??
I have a lot of questions and i am clue less I go 2 church once in a while but i do believe jesus died for us and everything. But its just hard i need advice 2 help me understand I use 2 be catholic my family turned christian over some family problems we had and didn’t find any answer no where else so we turned 2 God. My brother was in a Christian rehab for drug addicts for 3 months god helped him and he is a believer but since he came back he has gone back even though he knows its wrong but stil believes. He siad he is saved and knows all the tricks 2 save him and that he will be alright that nothing can happen to him 2 just pray 4 him. We don’t really talk 2much i don’t know why since he came back and went into the drugss again he has been like this but he has a lot of knowledge on Christians because he was in the rehab.On the other hand I really don’t know much about this. What did he mean about the Christian tricks and how do you connect with god i need info any christians help?

Best answer:

Answer by Simon Templar
Lemme see if I can help.

I’m not too sure if any of us here can tell you what “the tricks” of Christianity are, really. It might have just been his way of putting things across to you; that’s all.

While, like in all other Religions, Christianity has it’s share of contradictions and errata, the crux of the Faith is in the Love and Sacrifice of Jesus who gave Himself up for all of us.

There is a song by Charles Landsborough called “My Forever Friend” that I’d strongly reccommend your listening to. It’s’s my favorite song, by the way.

You’ll proably be touch by Him when you’ve heard it and all will reveal itself to you!

Pax vobiscum, pax dominic.

Simon Templar

Answer by Serena
That’s okay to have questions.That’s how you learn.I’m not sure what your brother means by ‘Christian tricks’.I hope that your brother is able to stay off drugs,and that the rehab centre will help.
You can pray to God.He hears you.He cares.

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