What Are the Different Kinds of Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by dolores df: What are the different kinds of drug treatment programs?
I would just like to know what they’re called. Just out of curiosity, that is.

Best answer:

Answer by blair *
Well, it really depends upon the drug rehab or treatment center. I guess you’d have to contact them to know what kind of program they are offering. To appease your curiosity, though, here are some kinds of treatment programs: Narcotic Antagonist Treatment Using Naltrexone, Agonist Maintenance Treatments, Short-Term Residential Programs, Outpatient Drug-Free Treatment, Long-Term Residential Treatment, Medical Detoxification and Treating Criminal Justice-Involved Drug Abusers and Addicts.

I hope that helps. 🙂

Answer by Phipps
When evaluating the many types of substance abuse treatment programs, remember that everyone’s needs are different. In general, the longer and more intense .Addiction treatment must help the individual stop using drugs, maintain a drug-free … Some programs also offer other forms of behavioral treatment such as—People who have problems with drug use can access help and treatment either . The types of programmes vary but tend to fall be one of four main types……teen drug treatment texas