Drug Addiction Question?

Question by : Drug addiction question?
I met someone from my church who is thirty-seven years old and is te sweetest person you could ever meet. I’m seventeen and I’m going on a vacation with my parents for one week to spend quality time with them before I go to college. Therefore, we need someone to watch my nine year old sister. Since we have no family that live near us, we thought the person from church would be a great choice, one of the reasons being she has offered. She is married but has no children. One thing worries me, though…she used to be addicted to Heroin. It was a strong addiction, too. She did it since she was around my age (I just met her about eight months ago, but she shared this story with the youth at church). Last year, she stopped and hasn’t done it since, or so she says. She really is a sweet, kind hearted person, but I’m worried about my sister being at a former Heroin addict’s house for seven whole days. I mean, een though she says she’s been clean for almost a year (which I believe), can she be trusted? She used to have everyone’s respect without even trying until they found out she did Heroin…now she has to gain everyone’s respect, if they’re willing to give it back to her. Is she responsible since she used to do Heroin? Will my sister be alright? I never told my family about it because I don’t want them to think differently of her. But, can she be trusted/responsible, or is this all a huge mistake? Also, my sister has ADHD and takes pills for it…will that be dangerous since this woman was a Heroin addict and she will have to give the pills to my sister?

Best answer:

Answer by Whispapus8legz
Where i live there are open Heroin addicts, Crack addicts all raising children. If Harrow & Brent social services in NW London thinks its fine then its fine……

Answer by Ano Nymous
She shouldn’t have to prove anything to you nor anyone else. She shouldn’t have to “win respect”…it should be given, regardless of her past. Especially in church! Wow! She came to church for love and forgiveness, yet you don’t think you should give it to her?

You’re judgmental. What would Jesus do? He would love her, forgive her, and treat her as she has treated you.
It takes a lot of strengtn and courage to overcome drug addiction. She couldnt have done it without God, without a very strong faith. Your faith has never been tested the way hers has.
Her life is hard enough, without needing people to bring her past up and assume things about her.

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