Drug Addiction..?

Question by aangsumanc: ..?
Have anyone here been addicted to drugs like heroine, myth etc..
what affects most out of it..

Best answer:

Answer by Psychedelic Enlightenment III
I stear clear of herion. I have known people who have become hooked on H…it isnt pretty. It controls your life, everything yuo do revolves around it. If you dont get help you will end up in jail, dead, or back in rehab. Recovering adddicts cant even have one beer. It is like a snownball one beer leads to two..then on and on til your back to H. I have seen it

Answer by Connie M
If you do end up getting help -do not let them put you on methadone-It is just replacing an illegal with a legal!!!!!!!!!!

Tyrannosaurus King – Definition of Addiction
Tyrannosaurus King’s Myles Swift and Ken Boothby perform “Definition of Addiction” at Taste of Oil 2 with some help from Josh Lightfoot on the drums.



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Scientists concerned with what other people are up to, and more specifically, what their brains are up to, tend to employ a fairly wide definition of “addiction,” whereby a person grows dependant on a stimulus in order to keep some baseline function … Read more on Medical Daily