Rehab for Drug Addicts?

Question by slaright: Rehab for drug addicts?
My brother needs help, I don’t have the money to send him somewhere, he needs an actual place that deals with drugs, not just a talk group. Is there such thing as a free place to go or somewhere that has grants or some kind of financing that I can apply for? He lives in Kansas, I live in Texas. He needs help I want to help him. I don’t want to lose my brother.

Best answer:

Answer by Amber M
A lot of rehabs and recovery homes you need money for but there are some free ones. At least here in Sacramento, CA where I am located. I would call around and see. Here is some ionfo that I pulled up in regards to recovery homes in the Kansas Area. Good Luck!

Answer by lynne P
You don’t say what drugs he is on but if he has now reached rock bottom with his addiction and genuinely wants help, you and he will need to be focussed on this. He will need to move away if possible from the area he gets the drugs so he is away from temptation. If you go to Narconon Arrowhead on the web they will probably give you the information you need. To come off drugs is not easy and to start the process you will need to get to the reason he started on them in the first place which can be very emotional – understand the cause and you may be able to find the cure. Get support for yourself too because it can be a hard and lonely road being a carer. Be prepared for lies, tears, broken promises, arguments,(from him) and for yourself feeling helpless, angry, scared and alone. I hope you get the help you need and I wish you well. I don’t know what services are available for you in America but in England we have organisations that can be accessed in most towns and these are free for those who are referred by their doctor. Do you not have any walk in centres. Sorry this is so long but my thoughts are with you.

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