How Do I Find Legit Model Promo Jobs in NYC?
Question by Poca: How do I find legit model promo jobs in NYC?
Best answer:
Answer by Bass Doc
You mean modeling?
Most modeling is a scam. If you look like a model, they will find you.
Answer by Richard L
This is a dead end career. A close relative went this route and she learned the hard way that few girls ever make any money in modeling. Most of the money is made by agents and photographers who will encourage you to get an expensive portfolio of photographs and any time you change agents the new agent will tell you that you need a new portfolio and of course many more photographs done all of which you get to pay for. After that they will use you are minor shows that they get paid for but the models are asked to work for free or for a few cosmetics.
Also, there are many pressures in this business and those can result in personal health issues addictions, etc. My relative took years to recover in these areas.
Save yourself some time and go get a real career. If you want to do this as a hobby or to benefit charity causes that is fine but remember this is dead end street as a career.
Best wishes!