What Is a Reasonable Compensation Claim for an Pain and Suffering Incurred From a Car Accident?

Question by circusboys: what is a reasonable compensation claim for an pain and suffering incurred from a car accident?
I was hit by a guy running a red light and wasn’t seriously injured but expect to be very sore for a couple of weeks. I am an actor and under contract to perform a live show, so taking time off is not an option- it would end my career in this town, so I have to work in pain. Also, I am unable to use painkillers or muscle relaxers due to a history with drug abuse, so the pain is full on. I don’t feel the need to contact an attorney, but feel I should be compensated somewhat for this guy’s negligence.

Best answer:

Answer by oldncrabby
It’s free to contact an atty and if you don’t the insurance co. will rip you off! Being an actor and all I’m sure you would want the higest amount available to you. The atty. won’t get paid unless you do so…do yourself a favor and call one!

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Drug Awareness Forum: Treatment Options in Cecil County – Jack Foreacker, executive director of Haven House, describes substance abuse treatment options available in Cecil County as part of the Drug Awareness Forum: A Conversation on Substance Abuse in Cecil County. The Drug Awareness Forum is an on-going series that explores ways concerned citizens and parents can be pro-active when fighting drug addiction and drug trafficking in our communities.


Privacy Issues, Sen. Joe Negron's Concerns, Dominate Drug Abuse Task Force

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

Finally, one of the 25 proposals discussed at the meeting was one placed on the agenda by Negron himself: creating an immunity provision in Florida law for any pregnant woman who seeks treatment for prescription drug abuse. "The concept is not to take …
Read more on Sunshine State News


Strapped CPS poised to cut key services

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

That means the state must show that parents had the opportunity to participate in substance-abuse treatment or mental-health treatment and get other assistance to correct the problems that caused their children to be removed. Until that reasonable …
Read more on Arizona Republic


No Addiction Without Lies, No Recovery Without Truth

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

He currently serves as CEO of Elements Behavioral Health, a network of addiction treatment centers that includes California rehab center Promises, The Ranch in Tennessee, The Recovery Place drug rehab in Florida, and Texas rehabs Right Step and Spirit …
Read more on PsychCentral.com (blog)


Health Start Coalition hosts summit on drug use, pregnancy

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

Speakers will address programs and best practices for prevention, identification and treatment of women and babies affected by prescription drug abuse. Registration for the summit, which will be at the InterContinental Hotel, costs $ 130 and includes …
Read more on Tampa Bay Business Journal