Anybody in the Dayton Ohio Area Who Was or Currently Are Using Heroin?

Question by : Anybody in the Dayton Ohio area who was or currently are using heroin?
I’m looking for people in the Dayton, ohio area who have or still using Heroin for research on why people use drugs. If you would like to participate email me. The authorities aren’t involved it’s just pure research.
I’m doing a research documentary on why people are so prone to using drugs. I’m focusing on people who have or are currently using heroin. This is pure research only, and no authority’s will be involved or notified. I don’t care what you do on your time I’m just interested in knowing why. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by tess_i_am48
Bet you get a lot of responses to this one: people wanting to buy heroin, people wanting to sell heroin, and narcs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Safe Schools 3 – Gov. John Kasich, Mike DeWine and state schools Superintendent Stan Heffner address the Safe Schools Summit in Columbus, talking about the need for schools to have plans in place to deal with emergencies and about increased efforts to combat drug use.


Ohio State Football: No Drug Charges for Dunn Should Mean No Suspension

Filed under: Ohio Drug Use

Alliance City Law Director Andrew Zumbar has authorized the filing of disorderly conduct and a seat belt violation charges against Ohio State freshman running back Bri'onte Dunn and his passenger. He will not face drug charges. Dunn was stopped late …
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22 charged in eastern Ky. prescription drug cases

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(AP) — Doctors and pain clinic owners in three states were charged Friday in five cases with making millions of dollars by illegally distributing prescription drugs in the Appalachian region of Kentucky, where drug abuse is rampant. Federal …
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New diabetes drug eyes prevention for blindness

Filed under: Ohio Drug Use

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced last week the approval of Lucentis, a new drug that treats the eye-disease diabetic macular edema. DME is a degenerative condition in which fluid leaks into the macula, the center … Further statewide …


From Twitter:

Vermilion just passed a student drug testing program, but drug testing students may not actually cut back on drug use. – by StateImpactOH (StateImpact Ohio)

From Twitter:

Find out how one school district is discouraging drug use. – by ACCURATEtweets (Accurate Background)