As a Sales Associate, Is It Morally Wrong to Sell to a Customer That You Know Has a Shopping Addiction?

Question by lovely: As a sales associate, is it morally wrong to sell to a customer that you know has a shopping addiction?
One customer told me that she maxed out all of her credit cards, but still wanted a few items charged to a 4th credit card. I have gotten other customers who seem to have serious shopping addictions too. Is it morally wrong to sell to them???

Best answer:

Answer by Cassie
Some customers might want you to deny them a purchase and then claim discrimination. Be careful. It is not for you to make value judgements about your customer’s lives and/or addictions. It is for you to do your job and sell them what they are looking for, If their credit cards are maxed out the credit card companies will eventually deny the use of the card when you swipe it. You may then deny the card as per your store policy. I do admire you for your empathy, but you must tread very carefully. You might consider getting a degree in counseling and working professionally with shopping addicts, but dont play armchair shrink on your job.

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