Benefits of Being Married

Benefits of being married
Dr Linda Waite conducted a research and found out that the incidence of mental illness is lower in married people as compared with unmarried or divorced people. … The conclusion is that: married people of both sexes, whatever their age, are happier … Read more on Times of Zambia

Opinion: Not 'e-lated' over feds' lack of e-cigarette regulation
They're looking to find lifelong customers who start their nicotine addiction at a young age, making e-cigarettes a potential gateway to traditional tobacco cigarettes. One manufacturer has … There have also been reports of children being poisoned by … Read more on

'We have a problem': Leaders say Madison County heroin epidemic worsens
Tyler Anderson was being treated for alcohol and marijuana use at a rehabilitation center when he became friends with the person who later introduced him to heroin. "I wish they would have had a forum like that a couple years ago," Anderson said … Read more on Belleville News Democrat

Kiwis back lower drink drive limit poll
Most New Zealanders now favour a tougher drink-driving limit, according to the latest ONE News Colmar Brunton poll. And while the Government is not on board …