Boyfriend Addicted to Cocaine, He Wants Help!?

Question by Amanda: Boyfriend addicted to cocaine, he wants help!?
My boyfriend has been addicted to cocaine for a year and a half now. He called me the other day. He told me it is not who he is, and he feels like someone else is in his body, and he doesnt want that anymore. He is willing to go to a live in facility, or anything to help him. The only problem we seem to be having, is finding a drug rehab place that doesn’t cost a fortune, because obviously he has no money from his drug abuse problem. We live in las vegas, he might be moving to Cleveland ohio, if you know of ANY programs, anywhere in the US that offer a rehab place, that doesnt require money to get enrolled, please help!

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah
most places are going to have to be paid for. if you have insuranse that can help you get somewhere.

good luck i hope he can recover i know recovery in any addiction is difficult from experience with an addiction myself, but he can do it.

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Copper grounding bars stolen from cell tower site: Independence Police Blotter

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She was cited with drug abuse and impeding the flow of traffic. DRUNKEN DRIVING, ROCKSIDE ROAD: A Mayfield Heights woman, 35, crashed her Jeep just after 3 am Jan. 30 on Rockside Road. The woman was treated for a head injury with headache-like symptoms …
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