Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?

Question by James73402: Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?
Just need a little help with my speech,
If someone can give me some info or some good websites that would be awesome = )
Also statistics would be good

Best answer:

Answer by uzzi
There are many stages of drug abuse, ultimately leading to difficulty in managing one’s life as a result of using drugs.
Individuals who begin using drugs as juveniles are at greater risk of becoming addicted compared to those who begin drug use as an adult due to the immaturity of the teenage brain, particularly of that part of the brain that controls impulses.
The symptoms of drug abuse include tolerance to a substance, withdrawal episodes, using more drugs for longer periods of time, and problems managing life issues due to the use of a drug.
Substance abuse is caused by a number of individual, family, genetic, and social factors rather than by any one cause.
Although a number of genes play a role in the development of substance abuse, this is a disease in which other factors more strongly influence its occurrence.
Substance-abuse treatment is usually treated based on the stage of the addiction, ranging from management of risk factors and education to intensive residential treatment followed by long-term outpatient care and support.

Answer by Stevo
I dont have much to bring to the table on this answer but ive been down the drugs road myself and I can tell you that when your addicted to drugs you will be the last person to see just how insane you are going but everyone else around you can see it. Also, Lying to other people including loved ones about just how much drugs you take is also a big sign of a downward spiral. Although from a very young age we are told not to take drugs by our parents and teachers, we may make friends with the wrong people who gain our trust and make false promises telling us a different side to the story on why drugs are good and make you happy but this is only true For the amount of minutes or hours that it is in your system then the withdrawl can last many weeks, months or even years with some people. I do hope my insight helped but I am only basing this answer on the experiences that I have lived. through.

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