Drug Addiction Help

What Ingredents Are in and What Would Show Up in a Drug Test if You Are on It?

Question by edie: what ingredents are in and what would show up in a drug test if you are on it?

Best answer:

Answer by Kassie18
I am not sure what your asking but I think your asking what shows… Continue reading

Do Drugs Cause Addiction?

Question by Bradley R: Do drugs cause addiction?
Do you believe that sufficient exposure (which varies for each person) to addictive drugs like cocaine, heroin, morphine will inevitably produce addiction in people? Why or why not?
by exposure I mean… Continue reading

Christian Drug Rehabilitation Center – 1855-885-8651

christian drug rehabilitation center – 1855-885-8651
christian drug rehabilitation center are you searching for an aswer to Addiction. GOD can help and our Treatment program is a Christ Based solution to this w…



California to Drop Anti-Pot Efforts From D.A.R.E. Program

California To Drop Anti-Pot Efforts from D.A.R.E. Program
Recent news broke that California plans to drop anti-pot efforts from its D.A.R.E. program in schools. But is this new stance from D.A.R.E. just a way to kee…



What Do You Think of DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)? Does It Work or Not?

Question by youthadvocat20043: What do you think of DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)? Does it work or not?
I asked this a little while ago and need more responses. Thanks. DARE is supposed to keep kids off drugs and it… Continue reading

Christina Korbe Takes Deal for Lesser Charge in FBI Agent’s Death

Christina Korbe Takes Deal For Lesser Charge In FBI Agent’s Death
Christina Korbe pleads guilty to killing FBI Special Agent Sam Hicks, who came to arrest her husband in a pre-dawn drug raid at the family’s home in Indiana …