Hair Loss at Fourteen?

Question by foreverflame1119992: hair loss at fourteen?
I’ve lost a lot of hair because of trichotillomania and straightening. I obsessively straightened my hair for 2 years without hair protection spray and it’s shocking how much hair I’ve lost. I’m definitely paying the price. for the past 3 months I’ve been putting coconut oil once a week and leaving it in overnight, using hair protection spray whenever I straighten, not using a hairdryer at all, straightening a LOT less- like once a week. also for a few weeks I’ve been eating 10-20 almonds a day for protein etc. I’m really upset about this so please can you suggest how I can regrow all that back? im a patient person so don’t expect overnight results but any advice is greatly appreciated. also, if you can, can you give me tips on managing trichotillomania?

Best answer:

Answer by GEGE
Go to your local hairdresser, and ask them if they have protein spray. Protein spray is a thick substance which you spray onto your hair and leave overnight, but is light enough by the morning to leave in till your next wash.

When you wash your hair, use lukewarm water, and no harsh shampoo’s or conditioners. Ensure to take your time, and do not rake your fingers through it, plus ensuring that you don’t stay under for too long. You can also reduce the amounts of times you wash it in a week.

If you really want visible results, stop straightening. All together. All this work of eating almonds and using coconut oils are being wasted here. As you straighten, you are just undoing your work.

As for trichotillomania, although I really don’t know much about it, why not put a physical barrier between you and your hair? Why not but a head scarf of head band around that area, and this way maybe once you reach for it, it can try and help you stop.

Good luck, and I hope it turns out for the best!

Answer by Sur La Mer
If you ALREADY knew the ’cause’, then why do you continue to use hair straightening? Did you want your hair to grow or not?

There are more hair oil on the shelf now, than 30-40 years ago, and it’s because it is a billion dollar business! There are more hair loss now, too, than 30-40 years ago! They hair industry also do not give money back guarantee for damaged hair or hair loss due to ‘abuse’. Hair straightening, you’ve found that out, is another form of abuse. Heat protectant doesn’t protect hair 100%. Like sunscreen, you still get sunburned. Same with hair.

There are many hair oil brand out there, man-made oil, none is better than the other. It can very well even harm your hair, even causes hair loss, since you don’t know exactly what kind of oil they say it is. In the lab, they add other ingredients that can prevent from spoiling.
Read the labels if they state that it contains: “one or more of the following: Cod, English Whiting, Shark.”

It does NOT make hair grow, it does not make hair thicker, it does help keep the hair moisturized, that’s about all it does. Anything else they say on the label, it is to attract your attention. It is a billion dollar business and they do not give money back guarantee for damaged hair or hair loss due to ‘abuse’.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Maharashtra is ready to go on record saying that most manufacturers in the Rs 3,000-crore Indian cosmetics industry are rampantly misleading consumers with tall claims. This affliction goes beyond hair oils. FDA has found that from face creams to soaps and other items of personal care, cosmetics companies are taking the general public for a ride. The industry, of course, sees the whole issue differently.

Washing less often, builds the natural oil your hair needs, to get them smoother, shinier, silkier, softer. Man-made products are just temporary, until you wash them again, and at the same time washing off the natural oil your hair NEEDS.

Shampoos are meant for cleaning hair, eating is for growing and you can’t speed up time, nor can you speed ‘perfection.’ “If you have no patience, you have no right growing long hair.” ~ Hair expert of the 80’s.

Save your money instead of buying hair growth products or supplements. Vogue Dec. 2010, Vogue Feb. 2011 issue has a section on biotin, supplements, fish oil, etc. . Fish oil for example: Read the labels if they state that it contains: “one or more of the following: Cod, English Whiting, Shark.”

The FDA don’t even approve of them. Because of inadequate quality control and inspection, supplements contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, or prescription drugs have been sold to unsuspecting consumers. And FDA rules covering manufacturing quality don’t apply to the companies that supply herbs, vitamins, and other raw ingredients.
Beginning in February 2008, they experienced one symptom after another: diarrhea, joint pain, hair loss, lung problems, and fingernails and toenails that fell off. FDA has received numerous reports of harm associated with the use of these products, including stroke, liver injury, kidney failure, heart palpitations, and death. 3-15-11

Google: MSN “Vitamins Can Do More Harm Than Good.”
According Dr. Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Americans spent an estimated $ 176 million on hair loss products last year, and chances are some of that money was not well spent. Don’t let charming salon owners, seductive ads or fancy gimmicks convince you otherwise.

CNN, Slate, Consumer Reports, MSN, YAHOO have posted them online for years how people spend $ 20 billion per year on vitamins and supplements.  According to Everyday Health, here’s an article that will tell you why . . . those PRODUCTS by any other name do NOT WORK.  It is false advertisements.

Best advice from Hollywood’s well known hairstylist in the 80’s once said: “Keep foods in your mouth and hair products on your hair.”

If you’ve straightened your hair in the past, it may grow slowly or none at all.
Google: “Foods for Healthy Hair” – the website had moved, type it in.

Growing healthy hair doesn’t come from a bottle or pills and hair products do not speed hair growth. Any hair oil, is another form to keep hair moisturized, nothing more. If you’re in HS, your hair & nails should be growing normally, and as healthily as possible, since you’re eating healthy foods. But when hair isn’t growing as fast, it’s because they’ve been tempered with: chemicals, hair straightening, etc. . .

Best answer comes from people with Avatars, showing their healthy shiny, soft, silky, smooth hair.

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