How Can I Help My Big Brother Overcome His Drug Addiction?

Question by cal: How can I help my big brother overcome his drug addiction?
My big brother is having a relationship with Mary Jane (marijuana). He knows that it’s not good for him but he says he likes what it does to him so he continues to use it. The thing is, Mary Jane’s really affecting his life. He’s getting failing grades in school (he’s really smart so I don’t know how that happened) and he’s getting worse at baseball. He even spends more time locked up in his room with Mary Jane than hanging out with anyone else. I think he really needs help. He’s such a gifted person and I don’t want his talents to go into waste. We’re from Eastport, Maine.

Best answer:

Answer by sstubbs30
Do your parents KNOW??? I’d start by telling my parents. After that there isn’t much you can do except for praying.

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You Are My God – Tony Melendez – Addictions – Faith and finding a place in the loving arms of God’s grace and living for him will help addicts in the recovery from their addictions. This video is a video of the hope, mercy, forgiveness, love, peace, joy and the deliverance that comes when we are in the Lord. Confess and praise Him as your God. The music You Are My God is by Tony Melendez, an armless Christian who uses his feet for hands and who professes God as his Rock in all things. Addiction reaches beyond alcohol and drugs. Many people suffer from all sorts of different addictions. Gambling, eating, shopping, sex, internet, work, video games, etc can all be just as addictive in many cases and just as destructive to a person. Those behaviors may affect the person differently, but they can be just as devastating as substance dependence. The 12 step program, which was originally devised for overcoming alcoholism, has now been transformed into well over 200 different addiction support groups. Always remember too much of a good thing can hurt you. (from Thagard)


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