How Do You Develop a Treatment Plan for a Teenager Who Abuses Drugs and Had an Abortion?

Question by MJ: how do you develop a treatment plan for a teenager who abuses drugs and had an abortion?
help ! i need some answers before this after noon for assignment

Best answer:

Answer by Patti
Lock her up until she is grown, she will keep doing these things until she is controlled.

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Treating drug addiction an ongoing crusade

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

Paul McGary, director of mental health for Lakeridge Health and Pinewood Manor, stands in front of Pinewood Manor, one of the six locations Lakeridge offers for treating mental health and substance abuse. By Geoff Zochodne/The Oshawa Express. Sitting …
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Addiction treatment shouldn't succumb to NIMBY logic

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

Finally, Hernando County residents fighting drug addiction will have a place closer to home to get help. And county commissioners should … The commission's discriminatory act came from singling out the type of patients to be treated. Would neighbors …


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