How to Stop My Friend From Sniffing Dendrite (A Glue Consisting Toluene and Other Intoxicants)?

Question by Shilajit: How to stop my friend from sniffing Dendrite (a glue consisting toluene and other intoxicants)?
Hey guys, I have a friend (Aged 24) who sniffs Dendrite every day. I know him almost 3 years now, and there hasn’t been a single day he didn’t do this thing. Sometimes he sniffs about 4-5 glue tubes a day. By now, he has become a junkie and he admits that he’s addicted. We’re all very concerned about his health as we know permanent brain damage is prevalent among users.
The most interesting part is this, he’s very well-educated and a very talented and struggling guitarist, an intellectual person I’d say, who’s interested in Classical/Jazz/Rock/Metal music and movies, unlike the usual abusers of this drug, who are mostly poor,homeless kids. He refuses to lay off of Dendrite for unknown reasons and we’re all pretty scared about this. Lately, I’ve been feeling his playing skills is lacking perfection. But that’s probably just me, and he isn’t really abnormal in any way and is quite a lovable person.
Rehab isn’t really an option, as the guy I’m talking about lives alone, away from his parents and they probably don’t know anything about this. When I ask him the reasons for sniffing glue, he just tells me that it’s the only thing that keeps his mind away from all the bullshit and depression and frustration,when the truth is, there isn’t really anything so frustrating. So probably he’s just making up excuses for sniffing more?
So, can anyone help me help him?

Best answer:

Answer by Saya
First of all he has to realise that he has this problem. Before that, there is not much you can do besides explaining what sniffing glue does to his body.

Answer by anup
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