I Want to Become a Drug/alcohol Counselor and Work in a Rehab. What School Is Best for Me?

Question by Kelsey M: I want to become a drug/alcohol counselor and work in a rehab. What school is best for me?
I am a freshman in college and plan on spending 3 years here, but I have to go for my masters and I would like to plan ahead and get the correct grades to get into the best school for what I want to do. Does anyone have any experience or know some good schools to go to for this type of job?

Best answer:

Answer by Anna A
I think any degree in holistic health will be relevant for you. This degree enables you to learn different ways of treatments without medicines. You will learn how to give treatment with herbs and nutrition. You will also learn how to interact with patients so that they will be able to live normal life. For your reference here I am forwarding you the website link that will give you information about the degree and top accredited colleges offer these degrees. The link is