If Guys Use Drugs Heavily, Do They Have a Chance for Birth Defects?

Question by R S: If guys use drugs heavily, do they have a chance for birth defects?
I’m getting very serious about a guy who I know in the past has had very heavy drug usage, cocaine, meth, acid, etc….and still on occasion uses them now. If I end up wanting to have a kid with him….does anyone know if drug use on his part could effect his sperm in any way to cause any birth defects?

Best answer:

Answer by nursekuba
If he has stopped using drugs I might consider getting involved with him. I wouldn’t do anything with him if he still uses, even on occasion. As far as having a baby with him, I think it would be okay because with men, the damaged sperm usually don’t make it to the egg.

Answer by low_hd_rider
yes,the sperm can and will transfer to the egg.Your unborn child could be a drug addit before they are even born

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