Ohio Minor Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana Question?

Question by : Ohio Minor Misdemeanor Possession of marijuana question?
I don’t have a court date, just a citation that I can pay to the courts. On my citation it states my violation is possession of marijuana, and my offense is drug abuse. I want to know is this a charge or just a simple citation that can be paid out? Will a citation for marijuana show up on a background check? Will this affect financial aid for college?

Best answer:

Answer by Billy Bob
It’s a criminal charge.

It will show up on a background check.

Yes it will affect financial aid..

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug Overdose in Montgomery County, Ohio: The Scope of the Problem – This video is part of an educational series on Prescription Drug Disorders produced by the Center for Interventions, Treatment & Addictions Research (CITAR) at the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. The series was produced to meet an educational objective under a contract from Public Health — Dayton and Montgomery County (PHDMC). This project was funded, in part, by the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and administered by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). The contents of the series are solely the responsibility of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC, ODH, PHDMC or Wright State University. The series was created and developed by Russel Falck, MA, associate professor of community health and PI of the project. Robert Carlson, Ph.D., professor of community health, is co-PI of the project and CITAR director. Raminta Daniulaityte, Ph.D., is research assistant professor of community health and a co-investigator on the project. Tim Lane, M.Ed., is the project’s injury prevention coordinator. Videotaping and editing was provided by Wright State’s Computing and Telecommunications Services. For more information, visit: www.med.wright.edu


Veterans get helping hand in Cleveland Municipal Court

Filed under: Ohio Drug Abuse

More than 70 percent are unemployed and face substance-abuse charges. Just over half have been diagnosed with a mental-health problem including post traumatic stress disorder and depression. Ohio's first veterans court started in Mansfield in 2009.
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Human trafficking draws attention

Filed under: Ohio Drug Abuse

… our programs, contact us at 964 N. Market St., Lisbon; phone, 330-424-1468 or e-mail, [email protected]. FRC is funded, in part, by United Way of Northern Columbiana County and ODADAS (Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.
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Tracking Rx Misuse: State Programs Making Gains

Filed under: Ohio Drug Abuse

"We hear from the doctors how valuable the [PMP database] information is when they use it," Danna Droz, a pharmacist who administers Ohio's Automated Rx Reporting System, said, adding, "Doctors, like everybody else, don't know what they don't know. And …
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