Plan Unveiled to Address Substance Abuse in West Virginia

Plan unveiled to address substance abuse in West Virginia

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

BECKLEY — A $ 7.5 million effort to combat a drug abuse epidemic that finds more West Virginians succumbing to the silent poisons of chemicals than the loud, grinding crashes on highways is putting cash into every county to detect and treat addicts.
Read more on Bluefield Daily Telegraph


Scott should follow NJ and treat drug-addicted offenders

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Christie also correctly pointed out that a year of drug treatment costs less than half of what it costs to incarcerate a person for a year. For every dollar spent on substance-abuse treatment in prison, states save $ 2 to $ 6 on reduced recidivism and …
Read more on Orlando Sentinel


Officials announce grants to fight drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

West Virginia counties will receive nearly $ 8 million in state and federal funds to fight substance abuse across the state. West Virginia counties will receive nearly $ 8 …. n In Region 3, a child and adolescent treatment facility. This would serve …
Read more on State Journal


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