Prevent Drug Treatment Failing, Why Does Drug Treatment Keep Failing? Northbound Treatment Services

Prevent Drug Treatment Failing, Why does drug treatment keep failing? Northbound Treatment Services
Prevent Drug Treatment Failing, Why does drug treatment keep failing? If you have a loved one suffering from addiction, call today to discuss treatment optio…



Treating Addiction in the Transgender Community – What You Need to Know
While most addiction research has focused largely on gay men and lesbians, and less so the bisexual community, it's important to put equally as much focus on the transgender community. When working with the transgender community, it is important to … Read more on (blog)

Mike Kessler Prison: The New Mental Hospital
Patrick Kennedy, who has been treated repeatedly for drug and alcohol addiction and is now in recovery, is an advocate for improving mental health care and policy through his Kennedy Forum, which aims to “remove the stigma surrounding mental illness … Read more on TakePart

Workers see 'silent crisis' among elderly
Elderly individuals across Massachusetts are not getting services they need either because services are unavailable or older people shy away from seeking help because of stigmas attached to mental illnesses, according to several advocates who work with … Read more on The Recorder

“Wolf of Wall Street” syndrome: The dangerous individualism of the neoliberal soul
His confession is drenched in the therapeutic language of self-help culture: political phenomena like financialization, inequality, and class power are redefined as personal pathologies to be treated with psychotherapy and support groups for those poor … Read more on Salon