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Could Progressive Wins Mean Democratic Losses in Midterms?
The GOP employed what became known as the “Southern Strategy,” which involved capitalizing on southern resentment over civil rights gains made by blacks thanks to the government and Democratic politicians, in order to help elect Republican candidates … Read more on Daily Beast

Georgia Medical Cannabis Bill Amended, Heads to House Floor
(APN) ATLANTA — On Wednesday, February 26, 2014, the Health and Human Services Committee of the Georgia House of Representatives unanimously passed HB 885, the medical cannabidiol oil bill, called Haleigh's Hope. Cannabidiol oil is derived from … Read more on Atlanta Progressive News

Georgia House Approves Amnesty for Heroin Overdose 911 Calls
(APN) ATLANTA — On February 25, 2014, the Georgia House of Representatives passed HB 965 and HB 966, two bills intended to reduce the number of deaths in Georgia related to heroin overdoses and overdoses from other drugs. HB 965 would provide … "We … Read more on Atlanta Progressive News

Series: Stash City
A MANTIS agent uses a dolly to wheel out some of an estimated 3,000 pounds of marijuana confiscated Saturday at a stash house near the intersection of East Orange Grove and North Camino Arturo on the Northwest Side. Dec. 8, 2001 … Over time that's … Read more on Arizona Daily Star