Question About Drug Addiction. What Does It Do to Your Body and Why Is It Dangerous?

Question by Hanna: Question about drug addiction. What does it do to your body and why is it dangerous?
What exactly is the general purpose of drug addiction? what is it, what does it do to your body and why is it dangerous? What is the treatment for drug addiction? Please help me answer this question. Thank you!!
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Best answer:

Answer by mocca
general purpose of drug addiction:
actually these are the some components of medicinal drug, that help us to relive pain, like anti depressant,…
effect in body:
People who are addicted to drugs come from all walks of life. Many suffer from mental health, occupational, health, or social problems that make their addictive disorders much more difficult to treat. Even if there are few associated problems, the severity of addiction itself ranges widely among people.

Why can’t drug addicts quit on their own?

Nearly all addicted individuals believe in the beginning that they can stop using drugs on their own, and most try to stop without treatment. However, most of these attempts result in failure to achieve long-term abstinence. Research has shown that long-term drug use results in significant changes in brain function that persist long after the individual stops using drugs. These drug-induced changes in brain function may have many behavioral consequences, including the compulsion to use drugs despite adverse consequences the defining characteristic of addiction.

for treatment:

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