Rates of Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill

Rates of Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally ill
Rates of Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally ill New research has found that rates of smoking, drinking and drug use are significantly higher among people who have psychotic disorders than the general population. The finding is … Read more on PsychCentral.com

Key changes to help tackle Dundee's drug problem
One of the main problems for substance-abuse workers is the high rate of users dropping out of recovery programmes. Now, after week-long crunch talks last month, health workers in the city are bringing in three new initiatives to keep people in … Read more on Evening Telegraph

Behavioral health workers gather to learn about gambling addiction
Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 8:54 pm. NORWAY — Treatment and support options for Mainers struggling with a gambling problem have expanded in recent years, and new state rules may help more people break away from an addiction to gambling. … Several … Read more on Lewiston Sun Journal