Rehab Facilities in NY | Alcoholism Treatment New York | Rehab Facilities in NY

Rehab Facilities in NY | Alcoholism Treatment New York | Rehab Facilities in NY Rehab Facilities in NY New York Center for Addiction Treatment Services, Drug rehabilitation Centers in New York, Rehab Fa…



Unpacking Shirley v. Precision Castparts Corp.: when do drug rehab programs
But what can an employer do when the employee and the rehab facility disagree about the course of successful treatment? A recent Fifth Circuit decision reviews the boundaries of the statutory protections under such circumstances. Shirley v. Precision … Read more on Lexology (registration)

State Pulls Plug On East 21st Street Rehab Center
The state agency charged with approving drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers has reversed course, choosing to reject a controversial clinic slated for East 21st Street after initially allowing the project to go forward. The Office of Alcoholism and … Read more on Sheepshead Bites