Soapbox: Take the Time to Help Stop Prescription Drug Abuse
Soapbox: Take the time to help stop prescription drug abuse
Former Fort Collins residents Dave and Dawn Fosket know these statistics all too well. They lost their son, Mike, on Aug. 2, 2012. Unfortunately, deaths like his are not uncommon. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls prescription drug … Read more on The Coloradoan
Missouri last in nation on monitoring prescription drug abuse
In Missouri, drug seekers can doctor shop for prescriptions and take them to multiple pharmacies in order to sustain their addiction. Electronic databases used in other states help doctors, pharmacists, and law enforcement keep track of patient … Read more on Lee’s Summit Journal
Drug use survey 2014: tell us what you take
But governments rarely collect statistics on other types of drugs – how they make people feel, how much they spend and what, if anything, they do to stay safe. So, in 2011, Mixmag, a dance music magazine teamed up with Dr Adam Winstock, an addictions … Read more on The Guardian (blog)